Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions are a part of the confirmation of the work to be performed by Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc., and with the information on the proposal or estimate constitutes the entire agreement.


Work crews will arrive at the job site unannounced unless otherwise noted herein. Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc. shall attempt to meet all performance dates, but shall not be liable for damages due to delays for inclement weather or other causes beyond its control. The customer shall not be relieved of his responsibility because of delays. Our plant health care programs are designed to manage and not eradicate insects, mites, diseases and deer browsing. Horticulturally tolerable levels of insects, mites, disease and deer browse may still be present after treatments. Epidemic infestations may require additional visits and additional cost to you, pending your approval.


All work will be performed in a professional manner by experienced personal outfitted with the appropriate tools and equipment to complete the job properly.


Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc. is insured for liability resulting from injury to person or property.


The customer warrants that all trees, plant material and property upon which the work is to be performed are either owned by him or that permission for the work has been obtained by the owner. Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc. is to be held harmless from all claims for damages resulting from the customer’s failure to obtain such permission.


All accounts are net payable upon receipt of invoice. A service charge of 1.5% per month, which is an annual percentage of 18%, will be added to accounts thirty days after invoice date. If outside assistance is used to collect the account, the customer is responsible for all costs associated with the collection including, but not limited to, attorney fees and court costs. A deposit of 50% may be required prior to the commencement of general tree care work, tree pruning or tree removals.


Since trees are living organisms, conditions can change immediately after pruning. Due to biotic or abiotic conditions, we do not guarantee the results. Oftentimes there can be unforeseen defects underground or within the tree. We are held harmless to any lawsuits, injuries and property damage resulting from pruning.


Customer shall provide free access to work areas for Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc.’s employees and vehicles and agrees to keep driveways clear and available for movement and parking required of trucks and equipment during normal working hours. Customers, children and all others shall keep out of the work zone at all times.


Hamptons Tree and Shrub Care Inc. will be responsible for the proper application of any spray formulation that is commonly used in the business to control a specific problem involving trees, shrubs or plants, but will not be responsible for any unforeseen or abnormal reaction resulting from the use of such spray. The parties agree that in no instance may the customer seek damages in excess of the contract price. The property owner or owner’s agent may request the specific dates or dates of application to be provided and, if so requested, the pesticide applicator or business must inform of the specific dates and include the date or dates in the contract. This contract is only valid for one year only.

To see exact products labels please visit our website at www.hamptonstreeandshrubcare.com/labels

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